It's interesting, I've noticed, how a majority of my home schooled friends and I seem to have to similar music tastes. (Except for my obsession with classic rock. I'm like the only one.) Music that is usually considered hipster, indie, etc.
Whatever, despite my arousing interest in this particular genre of music, I find that most home schoolers are already being stereotyped into anti-social nerds but are now ALSO being put in the hipster stereotype category.
This is a double issue because being viewed as a stereotype totally blows and it's not like either of the two categories are desirable personas. Being viewed as a nerd isn't what anybody truly desires to aspire to. Anti-socialism is a trait that most all of us have but some are able to overcome easier than others.
But in all honesty, I'm not sure why home schoolers are put in this category. Most kids I know that are home schooled are usually the complete opposite of anti-social. Maybe a bit gawky and/or nerdy at times... but everyone has things they tend to "nerd out" about, right?
But being viewed as hipster. Now this is both a blessing and a curse. Maybe more of a curse. Everyone expects you to know about all these fantastic artists and not tell any of them who they are. But in retrospect, my friends and I can hardly wait to tell each other about the "brand new" band or artist we've discovered! Why do we know about these bands, though? Because like other normal, non-hipster people we simply type an artist that we like into our Pandora station and look at similar artists! Or we just ask our friends! But being stereotyped as a hipster is also a blessing because everything you wear is instantly cool. Usually.
And the fact that we all wear vegan shoe wear, scarves, and knit hats? Come on. You don't think it looks cool?
Whatever. The stereotypes that everybody gets labeled under are just used by the people who have absolutely no TRUE observation skills and no ability to attempt to get to know the person behind the get up, music, or behavior.
Perhaps I'm being hypocritical. Because, maybe they're not so bad either.